Want to build confidence? Take risks
How do you feel about trying something new? Taking on a risk?
Feeling stuck or facing a challenge? Try this
Circa 2003, I took a helicopter ride over the Grand Canyon. We landed on it, had a picnic and flew back as the sun set. As night approached, we flew over the Las Vegas strip.
There’s no trophy at the end for doing it solo
When I work with women leaders, balancing all that life throws their way and all that they carry, I often hear the same struggles…
This story is my story
I want to tell you a story about a little girl that was born in Canada, and whose first language was Portuguese. She started kindergarten not knowing one word of English. She went through JK and SK, never really learning much, thanks to her bilingual friend who translated every word the teachers said.
Why performance reviews don't work. What to do instead
How good are you at giving feedback to others whether in a professional setting or with friends and family?
The 4 Levels of Leadership Consciousness
Could you surrender enough to allow the universe to tell you what comes next?
Five ways to introduce mindfulness into your workday
Five ways to introduce mindfulness into your workday.
Trapped in a stress cycle? Try this morning routine
How you spend the first couple of hours in your day either helps or hinders your happiness, progress and wellbeing.
What I learned from 16 years of marriage
Sixteen years today (14 after we met and started dating) we got married.
What I don't want you to know about me
Too often in life, we pretend that we are something that we are not.
We try to live up to an image of something that we have invented, or others have created for us.
Worried about emotional overwhelm during COVID19?
We are living during unprecedented times. The future is uncertain, our daily lives have changed drastically, our freedoms have been restricted and much is out of our control. This is a recipe for emotional overload.
Don't take yourself too seriously
“This pandemic is not about you and it’s all about you.” Michael Neill
This statement really resonated with me.
There’s a way that whatever is going on for us in any given moment is the most important thing.