You can’T control your life, no matter how hard you try
As someone that works with high achieving leaders, control and more specifically the illusion of control is a rich area of exploration.
Courageous Authenticity & Emotional Regulation
The pressure of homeschooling and having little time and space for myself, and uninterrupted time for work got to me.
Know when to ask for help
Is your inner critic saying you should be doing more or coping better? Is your inner critic judging what you are or are not doing or being? Mine was alive and well yesterday.
Celebrate your actions BEFORE they garner results
I was reminded today to celebrate actions, mindsets and behaviours rather than outcomes. This goes counter to most of the messages we receive, and in my experience it’s one of the most valuable lessons I’ve learned (especially as a recovering high achiever!).
Why it's time to embrace your feminine leadership
For a long time, like so many women, I felt trapped between what I wanted for myself and what others and society said I was supposed to be and do.
Full permission + Full responsibility = Leadership
When we are born and during the first few years of our lives, we live free of social norms. We scream when we want to scream, laugh out loud with no concern if others are laughing too and leap at the chance to try something new in front of others, even in the face of failure.
The key contributor towards leadership success
What is the key contributor toward successful leadership? How can you start bringing more of this attribute into your life? Tune into this episode for the answers.
Do You Have What it Takes to be a Leader?
Leadership is a funny thing. There’s an element of elitism in the word and yet in reality we are all leaders.
Why trusting your intuition pays off
Did you know that your intuition, studies have shown, is more accurate than your rational brain at making decisions. With this in mind, here are 3 ways to strengthen your intuition so that you can lean on it when making important life and business decisions.
5 Steps to Building a Personal Brand
Today, building a personal brand is critically important. Here's how you start!
How to Break Your Self Sabotaging Behaviour
A step-by-step process to breaking your self sabotaging behavior. As humans we all engage in this type of behavior at some point in our lives, and it is possible to introduce new patterns that are more self-serving.
5 Tips for Getting Noticed Online
When you are just getting started at building an online presence and sharing your brand story, it can feel overwhelming and as if you're very late to the game.
A Year of Boldness
Being thoughtful about planning what you want to bring into your life is the most important step to actualizing your dream life. This year, I'm choosing Boldness as my theme. In this video I share what boldness will bring me and what I hope the result will be.
Fears and Doubts and Insecurities...Oh My!
Do you have fears, doubts and insecurities?
Of course you do, so do I ...and so does that hugely successful person you admire that seems to have all their sh*t in order.
The Value of Negative Emotion
There is significant value in exploring negative emotions. Allowing yourself, without judgement, to feel to the full extent, your emotions, whether positive of negative can teach you so much about yourself and ultimately allow you to let it go and move on!
The Value of Play as Adults
In our effort to get sh*t done and be contributing adults in society we forget to play and have fun, especially at work.
Is it Time to Give Up?!
In October, we closed our bricks and mortar retail stores. We consciously gave up. Do I feel bad? Not really. Well, maybe a little.