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My Background

With over 20 years of business experience as an entrepreneur and corporate executive, I bring the perspective and understanding of someone that has been in my client’s shoes.

I have taken countless leadership programs, read hundreds of books and studied leaders daily to determine what works and what doesn’t. With a Bachelor's degree in Science and a Master in Business Administration, it's no surprise that I find myself at the intersection of leadership and neuroscience.

As a coach, I have dedicated the last few years to learning the art and science of coaching. I am certified with the Co-Active Training Institute as a Professional Co-Active Coach, The International Coaching Federation, Certified Neuro-Transformational Coach, Leadership Circle Profile Certified, Collective Leadership Assessment Certified, certified as a Genius Catalyst, trained in Organization and Relationship Systems Coaching (team coaching) and Brief Coaching at the University of Toronto. 

Curious to learn more?

Let’s book a time to talk. We can discuss your goals, and how we might get started.


what i believe


I believe that power is found within. That vulnerability is a bridge. Connection a path forward. That leadership is a state of mind, and that business can be a force for good. 

I believe that leaders inspire and grow others. Leaders listen. Leaders foster collaboration, creativity and dialogue. Leaders have a purpose and a vision. Leaders speak up when no one else will. Leaders face conflict with courage and compassion. Leaders can read a room. Leaders are fluid and agile. Leaders balance data with insight, imagination, and intuition. Leaders create highly engaged cultures. Leadership begins from the inside out.


I often describe myself as "A lucky daughter, loving wife, proud mama, loyal friend, inspired business woman and devoted coach". This pretty much sums up what is important to me -  connection to others, connection to self and connection to a cause.

My career is devoted to unleashing more conscious, connected and powerful leaders into the world.Together, I believe we can ignite a massive movement for change and transformation in business.

In the Community

As a leader that believes that business can be a force for positive change, I support initiatives that expand access to coaching & leadership development. I volunteer with Aina Giving, a female leadership program in Kenya, Coaching for Educators, which offers support to educators globally, York University Accelerator Programs, which are bridging the gender gap in entrepreneurship, and I take on 1 pro bono client for every 4 paying clients. Giving back to our community is important to me.


LDR Leadership Labs: Listen & Learn
2-Part Audio Download

Part One - Fulfillment At Work

Part Two - Visioning & Alignment

 In this two-part series, explore what it means to be fulfilled in your career and what to do when you realize that despite all the successes you’ve accumulated, you’re still not happy.