Want to build confidence? Take risks

How do you feel about trying something new? Taking on a risk? 

For me, it has always been important to continue learning and developing. It’s one of my core values – Learner for Life! 

At school, after completing an undergraduate in human biology, I decided to take my master’s in business. (I knew nothing about business) In my corporate career, I took on new roles every 2-3 years. (Often, I knew nothing about the new role or the industry) And when I turned 40, I decided to I left my corporate role and founded a leadership company. I’ve always loved a challenge. (yup, another core value!) 

I’ve gone through this process of knowing nothing (or at least feeling that way) to feeling like I can teach others, so many times. The process is not always comfortable, but it is fulfilling. 

It goes something like this... 

Stage 1: 

I feel lost, insecure, and filled with doubt. I wonder what the heck drove me to take this on and why I get caught up in these situations… All. Of. The. Time. I promise myself I won’t do this again…I’ll just get through this last one. 😉😉 

Stage 2: 

I get busy learning, talking to experts and trying stuff based on what I’ve learn. I fail and face obstacles, but I made myself a promise and so I keep going. I remind myself that failing moments equal learning moments which lead to winning moments. I feel nervous and excited at this stage. I love all the new people I’m meeting and all the information I’m absorbing. I know that there is still a lot of work ahead and I’m still not sure whether I’ll be able to do what I want to do. 

Stage 3: 

I see some small progress and momentum and start to believe that maybe I CAN do this. I remember why I put myself in these situations in the first place. I love learning and the rush of figuring things out. While failure is hard on the ego, finding away forward despite the challenges makes the win that much sweeter. I feel more settled, more comfortable with what I’ve learned. I double down on those things that are working and pivot where I need to. I remain focused on what I’m attempting to accomplish. 

Stage 4: 

I start feeling like I got it. I’ve learned what I was there to learn. I teach what I know. It may not be perfect, but it’s done and I learned a ton along the way. I feel like I’ve had an impact and am proud of what I’ve been able to accomplish. I feel satisfied, at peace and confident. 

Stage 5: 

I am ready for the next challenge. 

This has been so much of how my life has unfolded. 

While taking on something new does come with doubt and fear, I love the ride. I love figuring things out. Immersing myself in new theories and practices. Making mistakes. Learning. Trying again. 

Had I waited to feel confident about how things would work out, I would have never tried anything. I would have robbed myself of so many wonderful experiences and connections. 

So this post is a plea to you to simply try! 

If there’s something that your heart is pulling you to do, go and try it out! 

Don’t wait. It’ll feel uncomfortable and you’ll have doubts. That’s part of the process. Don’t rob yourself of the experience. Don’t rob yourself of the lessons along the way. 

I believe we are here to learn and grow. It’s what makes life exciting and fulfilling So take a chance on yourself and simply do it. Try. Enjoy the ride. 


What’s the meaning of all of it anyway? 


Feeling stuck or facing a challenge? Try this