Feeling stuck or facing a challenge? Try this


Circa 2003, I took a helicopter ride over the Grand Canyon. We landed on it, had a picnic and flew back as the sun set. As night approached, we flew over the Las Vegas strip. 

I had walked the strip several times - the lights, the sounds, the many people, a familiar scene. 

This vantage point was different! 

I was able to see more. I saw beyond the strip itself to what surrounded it. What seemed big and imposing from the ground, was manageable from above. The small details were gone, and a bigger, more encompassing perspective emerged - a broader, quieter and more connected version of reality. 

This is an important question leaders ask themselves. 

What IS the big picture? 

When we are grappling with a complex issue and uncertain times, it is easy to get lost in all 

the details. The details feel like they are important, and honestly, sometimes we can only handle whatever is right in front of us – so we filter and focus on the one or two things that need to get done. 

At some point, it’s also important to pause, step back and consider a broader view - a view from 30,000 feet above. 

When I work with clients, I will have them physically stand on a chair and look down on the issue at hand or close their eyes and envision flying above the scene of what is happening to see what they see from a different vantage point. This helps people to detach from the details, the hurt feelings, the emotions to see what is also true. 

This allows us to be impartial, more creative and empathetic - reducing stress and increasing calm and clarity. (From a brain science perspective, we are activating the Prefrontal Cortex – the part of our brain responsible for analysis, decision making and critical thinking. 

Next time you feel stress levels increase, take a step back, broaden your view and notice what you see? 


Want to build confidence? Take risks


There’s no trophy at the end for doing it solo