What’s the meaning of all of it anyway? 


These words poured out of me this morning, as well as the desire to share this sentiment with you. 

I am a leadership development coach with a deep desire to bring more conscious leadership to the world of business. With leaders feeling depressed, stressed and disconnected, my passion in life is to grow leaders to live fulfilling and significant lives from a place of purpose, intentionality and deep connection. 

My vision is a business world that accomplishes remarkable things with care for humanity and our planet. It’s a world where we appreciate the strength of our interconnectedness and understand the perils of strict individuality. 

I dedicate my life to this cause of conscious connection in business for the sake of future generations and the lives of those leaders courageous enough to take this journey with me. 

This is my mission in life. 

Simon Sinek said, “People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it”. 

While this is one reason to connect with your mission in life, another lies in the fact that fulfillment is found on the other side of your mission. 

I’ve worked with so many successful leaders that have lost the passion for what they do. They are recognized for their accomplishments, and yet feel empty inside. They seem to have it all - money, status, influence - and yet feel stressed and unhappy. 

They feel trapped by their success; disconnected with what they genuinely want and need to feel whole, excited, and alive. 

Together, we re-connect with the things that are important, that light us up, energize and give us meaning. We connect with the ultimate vision for our life and the mission that offers us fulfillment, purpose and meaning. Together, we take small steps towards making this a reality. At times, it requires big sweeping changes, others small tweaks. 

Through reflection, visioning, and courage, they reignite their passion for life and become an inspiration to those around them. 


Leaders get messy, uncomfortable and act! 


Want to build confidence? Take risks