What I learned from 16 years of marriage

Sixteen years today (14 after we met and started dating) we got married. 

When I look into the eyes of these youngsters, I want to tell them that there will be ups and downs. Don’t worry, it’s part of the process. 

I want to warn them to throw away any “musts” or “ought tos” - co-create marriage one moment at a time and based on what feels right for us, not anyone else. 

I want to urge them to never compare their marriage to others. It’s an unfair comparison every single time. 


I want to remind them to invest in the relationship, not to take it for granted and to say I love you often. 

I want to tell them to always, ALWAYS! give what you want to receive. Don’t wait for the other person to go first. 

I want to insist that they find happiness in themselves first, and not expect the other to make them happy. 

I want them to... 

Hold hands, hug daily and kiss often. 

Laugh. Dance. Have fun. 

Don’t loose yourself in the marriage, but also don’t loose yourself away from the marriage. 

If only these two kids knew the adventure that was ahead for them. How much they would be challenged and how much they would grow. 

30 years after we met, and 16 years after we walked down the aisle ... after all the ups, and the downs... simply said, I love you. 


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