Don't take yourself too seriously

“This pandemic is not about you and it’s all about you.” Michael Neill 

This statement really resonated with me. 

There’s a way that whatever is going on for us in any given moment is the most important thing. 

My kids screaming in the background as I write this, the many times I was interrupted during a call this morning or the multitude of “mom I need you” pleas I receive, can become, if I let them, the most important thing going on. 

And what is also true is that there’s a life way beyond what my thoughts have deemed as “very important”. There’s a lot more going on in the world than whatever I’ve placed my attention on in this very moment. 

I have found in my life and in the lives of the professionals I coach, that we do much better when it’s not all about us. When we shine the spotlight outward, we are more creative, more empathetic and more inspiring. 

When we accept our thought in the moment, as simply that, a passing thought in this passing moment, we don’t take things so seriously. 

We accept them for what they are, a passing concept that we ourselves created in the here and now. 

The paradox lies in the fact that the way we show up, the way we take care of ourselves, also makes all the difference in the world - a difference to how we see what we see and handle what we deem needs to be handled. In fact, it is also all about us. 

And so, it’s not about you and it’s all about you. Yet another paradox of life. 


Worried about emotional overwhelm during COVID19?


You can’T control your life, no matter how hard you try