Your Guide to a Better Life
Taking things seriously doesn't ever help. It brings pressure which works against us, not for us.
Your Superpower!
The first time I had a life changing insight during a coaching session, it felt like magic. One second things looks one way, and the next everything looked entirely different.
Work Hard vs Work Joyfully
I have found that our society is either promoting the idea of working hard to succeed or doing nothing to take care of ourselves.
Are You Trying Hard Enough?
Sometimes, all this thinking about how much it takes to accomplish is enough to scare yourself from ever starting. Other times, you start with a bang and then give up, and beat yourself up for not having what it takes!
The Illusion & The Game
We often complicate leadership. We make it this complex thing that we must study, understand and get really good at. Most of the time, rather than help us, this approach works against us.
It’s Not Your Job TO DO GREAT
Consider that it’s not up to you to perform. It’s not up to you to achieve success, whatever form that might take for you.
Confidence Is Like The Wind
In my experience, confidence is fickle. One moment, you feel like you can conquer the world, and the next, you feel like a complete mess.
The Dirty Word of High Powered Business
Self-compassion is for the soft, sensitive types. Serious businesspeople are too busy driving bottom line growth.
Don’t Take It Personally
In a world where opinions abound and perceptions fluctuate, mastering the art of detachment can be a game-changer.
Leading Fearlessly
What stood out was a pivotal moment during the turbulence when my son, sensing my anxiety, casually asked, 'Are we okay?'
My Big Insight on “Figuring Things Out”
I had what felt like a pretty massive insight about figuring things out yesterday.
You’re Successful. Now what?
Successful leaders open up about their frustrations, doubts and dreams in a way that is vulnerable and honest. I get to see what I’ll describe as the behind the scenes version of them.
Making Tough Decisions
For the last few years of my corporate career, I struggled with whether to leave or stay. I had a voice whispering for me to leave and a loud one screaming at me to not throw it all away. What to do?
Watching Netflix and eating potato chips
There’s an underlying belief, that if the pressure of achieving a goal or avoiding failure didn’t exist, we would simply lie on our couches eating chips and watching Netflix. Not true.
Getting Things Done That We’re Avoiding
Getting things done that we’re avoiding comes down to a simple misunderstanding. An innocent habit that we’ve adopted, seeing this makes all the difference.
A New Way to Think About Getting Shit Done
I’m beginning to see productivity and getting shit done in a whole new way. In this article, I share what I’m seeing fresh and new and ask you to experiment with it.
When you start off September uninspired
September normally feels like the second start to the year for me. I often feel excited, energized and inspired to develop something new and fresh. Not this year.
The Race to the Finish: Professional Edition
Remind yourself of why completing this item and finishing this week off strong is important to you. This will energize your body, quiet your mind and enliven your heart.