Are You Trying Hard Enough?

Are you trying really hard to make “it” happen through effort and hard work.

The “it” could be a variety of things; a new job, more money, a relationship, success, losing weight, a big exciting project. It’s the thing that you want to achieve that you’re focused on accomplishing.

To begin, you use willpower and excitement to catapult you forward and for awhile it works. You put in long hours, prioritize it over everything else, and keep the pressure on yourself, because how else will you make yourself put in the work necessary to achieve “it”.

Sometimes, all this thinking about how much it takes to accomplish “it” is enough to scare yourself from ever starting. Other times, you start with a bang and after a few weeks you give up, and beat yourself up for not having what it takes! Other times you achieve the “it” of your desires, notice that it didn’t change things the way you thought it would, and start searching for the next “it”.

No matter which camp you fall into, in every case, there is almost always a lot of thinking about the thing you are attempting to create. And it’s all this thinking that stands in your way - not circumstance, not willpower, not time, not age, not skills or who you know.

It’s not that these things don’t matter, it’s that the thinking about these things are what become your obstacles, not the thing itself.

You start having a real intimate relationship with all your thinking, and the relationship with the creation itself becomes an occasional side bar occurrence.

You see, without all the thinking, these circumstances are either real or not real, plain and simple. In either case, you use your innate and powerful capacity for new ideas to direct your next step. Pretty simple, right?

With the thinking, you allow circumstance to mean a slew of things, including the degree of your self worth, the value your capabilities, the depth of your willpower and so on and so forth.

A simple fact, becomes this huge revelation about who you are and what you are capable of.

What if you’ve innocently failed to see that all the thinking about making the ‘thing’ happen is what impacts your ability to start or continue?

What if not following through meant that you didn’t actually want “it”, even though you had convinced yourself you did?

What if nothing was wrong with you and you didn’t need “it” to feel different? How might that impact want you actually want to create?

What if it’s not all up to you and you allowed and looked forward to life’s little miracles?

What if you could play with creation, allow the adventure of life to unfold and enjoy it for what it is?

What if all of it is an exciting, unpredictable adventure of creation into the unknown?


Work Hard vs Work Joyfully


The Illusion & The Game