Why trying to clarify doesn’t work
Our natural instinct is often to seek clarity by meticulously detailing our point of view
the wisdom of the ages
Why do we offer such power to our intellect, and no or little value to our knowing beyond it?
Common Challenges
Let's talk about those pesky obstacles that seem to follow us around like a persistent mosquito.
Life Is A Game
While people don’t enjoy the feeling of pressure and stress, at some level they believe that without it they wouldn’t perform.
Knowledge vs Wisdom
The difference between being competent and having an impact, being good and being great, comes mostly from wisdom, not craft.
Trouble With Your Boss?
From wanting to leave, to staying. How a client improved things with his boss, and ended up improving every relationship in his life.
The Right Way Forward
If you struggle with making decisions, you might be looking for the answers in the wrong place. Knowing where to look is the answer.
The Secret Behind Life
The secret about life and human beings, that is so obvious, they forgot to tell us. Knowing it changes everything.
Positive Thinking Is Not the Answer
The idea that life without negative thinking is possible, often leads to more self-judgement which makes things worse, rather than better.
Your Guide to a Better Life
Taking things seriously doesn't ever help. It brings pressure which works against us, not for us.
Your Superpower!
The first time I had a life changing insight during a coaching session, it felt like magic. One second things looks one way, and the next everything looked entirely different.
Work Hard vs Work Joyfully
I have found that our society is either promoting the idea of working hard to succeed or doing nothing to take care of ourselves.
Are You Trying Hard Enough?
Sometimes, all this thinking about how much it takes to accomplish is enough to scare yourself from ever starting. Other times, you start with a bang and then give up, and beat yourself up for not having what it takes!
The Illusion & The Game
We often complicate leadership. We make it this complex thing that we must study, understand and get really good at. Most of the time, rather than help us, this approach works against us.