Your Superpower!

I remember the first executive coach I worked with. I was a senior leader with a global asset management company and re-thinking what I wanted to do next in my career. I was ready for a change but had no idea what the change would be, so I hired a coach to help.

The first time I had a life changing insight during a coaching session, it felt like magic. One second things looks one way, and the next everything looked entirely different.

At the time, I thought it was some magical talent my coach had, and while she was, and still is, an amazing coach, my appreciation for our innate capacity to have insights is what moves me and excites me now.

Melodramatic? Perhaps.

But think about it.

At any point in your life, and mostly entirely by chance, you can see something new that changes everything for you. One moment life looks one way, and the next it looks completely different. Just like that, with no effort at all on your part.

What’s more, through that new insight, your thoughts change, your emotions change and your actions change - all in an instance. With the snap of a finger, effortless change occurs. Sometimes after years of trying to change with little success. All of a sudden, you see new so things change with no trying at all.

How’s that for a superpower!

And the best part is that you’re born with this capacity. We all have it. Insights come whether we want them on not. We can’t help but have insights. We can’t help but see things new and fresh.

Now, some of us have more insights than others. I think that’s true.

And some of us have really profound insights about the meaning of life, what we’re here to do or how it all works. (choose your enlightened guru of choice)

But what I know for sure, is that this capacity for insight is innate. It’s part of our design. We’ve all had insights our entire lives and we will continue to have them whether we try to or not.

In fact, it’s been my experience that the more I try to have an insight, often the more stuck I get in my old thinking, and the minute I let it be, insights seem to show up out of nowhere.

How cool is that!

These days, when one of my clients gets a curious look on their face that suggests “how did I not see that before?” , I know they've had an insight. They’ve seen something, that no matter how simple, changes how they understand their world and things open up for them.

Old patterned thinking may show up again, but the new insight offers new colour to their old projections. The world is the same but things look different.

How amazing is it that at a moments notice you can be living in a whole new world!


Your Guide to a Better Life


Work Hard vs Work Joyfully