Your Guide to a Better Life

Is it ok if we get a bit personal? I hope so, we're friends, right?

Let me ask you - how are you doing? Are things looking hopeful and on the upswing? Or are they feeling heavy and about to crumble? 

Here's why I'm asking.  I've noticed two main truths about having a better life.


We, and by We I mean ME, take life way too seriously!

Here's what I mean.

Last month I didn't send out a message to you. I've been focused on my mom who has been in and out of hospital and I've been focused on a work project that is really important to me.

Despite this, in my head, I've heard myself say,

"people are going to think you're lazy or not professional",

"why didn't you take some of the quiet time at the hospital to simply write something and send it out?",

"you know those moments when you were simply being present to the emotions that were bubbling up, you should have shaken it off and done something!"

Let me guess, you didn't even notice that I didn't send you a message last month! Am I right? 

And yet, despite knowing that we get too many emails and that one less is likely a gift, that little voice in my head gave me shit for saving your inbox.

If I were to believe that voice, I would have believed that I am an unprofessional, lazy gal that disappointed you! 

And the reality is, you didn't even notice! 

I was taking myself and my work way too seriously!

And as best as I can see, taking things seriously doesn't ever help. It brings with it pressure and stress and that kind of mindset works against us, not for us. 

Instead, what if life is a game?

A fun, "let's see what happens" adventure!

A playground of infinite possibilities, no matter what that little voice in your head tells you.


That little voice in your head, and hence thoughts and emotions, are fleeting. You don't need to do ANYTHING about it.

Why does this matter?

Well, from the story above you might deduce that you need to change your thinking. That you need to quiet your inner voice that tells you untruths about who you are.

In reality, I don't believe this to be true. It seems to me, from my own experience as well as from working with hundreds of people now, the more we want something to quiet down or seize to exist, the more it persists.

So what to do?


You. Do. nothing.

When you notice that you've hopped on the Seriousness Train (feelings of pressure & overwhelm will be your first clues!), simply don't give that train any further fuel.

Let it pass by. 

Decide not to hop on. 

Do nothing. 

Just be. 

You'll quickly notice that the thing that felt so real, so true, so serious, is fleeting.

It changes on its own, with no need for you to do anything about it.

And when it does change, because change is the nature of thought, maybe then decide to hop on the Hope Train, where life is a beautiful adventure filled with possibility and wonder.

I hear the ride is much smoother!

With all my love,


Positive Thinking Is Not the Answer


Your Superpower!