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Article Lisa da Rocha Article Lisa da Rocha

Improve an important work relationship

Relationships can be a wonderful source of joy or a crippling source of pain and stress. This is true at work as much as in our personal relationships. And yet, we never learn some of the basic elements of healthy relationships.

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Article Lisa da Rocha Article Lisa da Rocha

The Source of all your problems

We often believe that solutions to our biggest challenges, should be hard. The hero's journey is characterized by a hero that faces a challenge, struggles and comes through it stronger, wiser and victorious. So, it's no surprise that we believe that solutions must be hard.

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Article Lisa da Rocha Article Lisa da Rocha

A love letter to leaders

Leadership is our hope for the future. It's where answers are created, strategies are crafted and plans are put into action. This note is for the leader within you.

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Article Lisa da Rocha Article Lisa da Rocha

Rebuilding yourself & Your Career

Some clients are rebuilding themselves and their relationships, others are rebuilding their careers and leadership. This is a great thing, because rebuilding gives us power. The power of creation.

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Article Lisa da Rocha Article Lisa da Rocha

Why we fail and what to do about it

At this time of year, we find renewed motivation to transform. The sad reality is that mostly these changes don't stick. Our motivation wanes, we slip, we tell ourselves a story about our lack of will power, that we're doomed to fail and solidify ourselves in our old habits.

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Article Lisa da Rocha Article Lisa da Rocha

Trust is overrated. Try Testing Instead.

This year, as a mom of 3 kids and an entrepreneur running a business, I went to Portugal for 10 weeks! The younger version of me would have worried whether this was the right thing to do for my business? For my kids? For my marriage? All valid considerations.

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Article Lisa da Rocha Article Lisa da Rocha

Are you willing for it to go poorly?

"Until you're willing for it to go poorly, you'll continue to play small." These words hit me like a ton of sharp needles piercing every inch of my body. She was right and I knew it. What had kept me safe was also stunting my potential, my joy and my creativity.

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Video Lisa da Rocha Video Lisa da Rocha


This episode is focused on handling our inner critic and imposter. We discuss how we help our clients deal with imposter thoughts and what to do when your imposter thoughts become overwhelming

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Video Lisa da Rocha Video Lisa da Rocha


This episode is focused on Building Strong Relationships. Understanding what tools, tips and mindsets that help us connect productivity and work through difficult situations.

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Article Lisa da Rocha Article Lisa da Rocha

It's time for a break.

I've never really taken any prolonged amount of time off. And so this year, I'm "doing" summer a little differently. I've decided to spend the entire summer in Europe. I'm planning to travel, eat great food, play, explore, let go of work schedules, and invest in relationships.

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