A love letter to leaders

Leadership is our hope for the future.
It's where answers are created,
Strategies are crafted and plans are put into action. 

This note is for the leader within you. 

The one that knows we must change to evolve. 
The one that sees the beauty in you, the talents in others and
our responsibility to the greater good.

The leader within that embodies self acceptance,
the constant being and becoming of the human experience
and the powerful authorship we possess to co-create everything around us.

My belief is that business leadership must change for the world to change. 

There is no better future if we continue to prioritize profits over people,
year-over-year returns over human decency,

producing more, earning more, using more,
at the cost of personal wellbeing,
the health of our planet,
and the richness of our communities. 

Many have suggested that business will not change.
That a business that does not prioritize profits is no business at all.

I disagree. 

Throughout history we have challenged old ideals,
We have torn down walls of beliefs that no longer served us,
We have forged new paths of being and doing,
We have designed anew.

Why not now?
When so much is at stake.

Where do we start?
We start with you. With me.

We start here. Now.
With conscious choice.

To respect others on our team.
To treat others with dignity.

To examine broader, collective consequences. 
To design solutions that serve a unified future.

To listen.
To care.
To unify.

This will require leadership.

This will require leaders.

This will require us.


The Source of all your problems


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