Trouble With Your Boss?
From wanting to leave, to staying. How a client improved things with his boss, and ended up improving every relationship in his life.
The Right Way Forward
If you struggle with making decisions, you might be looking for the answers in the wrong place. Knowing where to look is the answer.
The Illusion & The Game
We often complicate leadership. We make it this complex thing that we must study, understand and get really good at. Most of the time, rather than help us, this approach works against us.
The Dirty Word of High Powered Business
Self-compassion is for the soft, sensitive types. Serious businesspeople are too busy driving bottom line growth.
Leading Fearlessly
What stood out was a pivotal moment during the turbulence when my son, sensing my anxiety, casually asked, 'Are we okay?'
My Big Insight on “Figuring Things Out”
I had what felt like a pretty massive insight about figuring things out yesterday.
You’re Successful. Now what?
Successful leaders open up about their frustrations, doubts and dreams in a way that is vulnerable and honest. I get to see what I’ll describe as the behind the scenes version of them.
Making Tough Decisions
For the last few years of my corporate career, I struggled with whether to leave or stay. I had a voice whispering for me to leave and a loud one screaming at me to not throw it all away. What to do?
A love letter to leaders
Leadership is our hope for the future. It's where answers are created, strategies are crafted and plans are put into action. This note is for the leader within you.
Do you struggle with implementing new habits, or breaking old ones? How we approach habits and handle them can either support us or cause us pain.
Steve and I share the story of how we met and the leadership program that changed our lives
IT’S 2022, NOW WHAT?
I’ve witnessed client after client question everything in their lives. If you find yourself in this place, the Great Reassessment Guide will help.
Often times, people come into coaching expecting certain things and I have to correct their assumptions of what they will gain from a session with me.
How can we best prepare ourselves for the coming months? How can we support ourselves and those we love? How can we continue to flourish in these unpredictable and uncertain times?
Is there someone in your life that you would describe as a leader, but doesn't have a traditional leadership title? My father is such a leader.