The Dirty Word of High Powered Business

“Nothing will work unless you do.”
-Maya Angelou

Have you uttered the word self-compassion in a corporate setting?

Have you done so with a group of executives, high powered bankers, or financial types?

Have you held your glare as they move uncomfortable in their chairs, and look around aimlessly as if the topic had nothing to do with them?

I have and I’ll continue to do so until self-compassion is no longer a dirty word in high powered business.

Those that turn away and pretend they have no need for self-compassion are often the ones that are hardest on themselves.

They keep moving when their bodies are screaming to stop, distract themselves to drown out the voice that whispers, “there’s got to be another way” and brush off any suggestion that they not drive themselves so harshly.

They’re too busy driving results, striving for excellence, maximizing productivity, and enhancing efficiencies. No. Self-compassion is not an asset in their world, it’s a liability.

Until the wakeup call is too loud to ignore.

Sometimes it comes in the form of burnout, other times a health concern or broken relationships.

When this happens, things begin to change.

It’s important to understand that it’s not their fault.

We’ve been told to work hard.

We’ve been told we should pursue wealth and power.

We’ve been told to push ourselves, to compete.

And we innocently and unwittingly believed it.

We ignore the signs until we can’t ignore them any longer.

Except, there’s another way, a more sustainable path. And it comes in the form of self-compassion.

Self-compassion is the renewable energy source that enables ongoing growth.

It’s a catalyst for creativity, meaning and connection.

It doesn’t mean we’re taking bubble baths surrounded by lavender scented candles as we listen to soft melodies in the background (though that does sound nice!). It doesn’t require silent retreats, and group meditations, (unless you’re into that kind of thing).

It means we’re present enough to notice what’s important to us and we move through the world with intention and purpose.

It means we notice the small stuff and handle it, before it turns into the big stuff that demands our attention.

It means we see the long term, big picture of our career, rather than the short-term quick win of today.

It means we tap into our intuition and follow our real time wisdom.

It means we ask ourselves “what will serve me, right now?”.

With over 4,000 research studies in the space of self-compassion, we know that the biggest reason for not committing to it is a belief it keeps us from success, reaching our goals and accomplishments.

Ironically, it does the complete opposite.

Self-compassion is the quality that allows us to keep moving towards our goals, grows happiness, satisfaction, and resilience, reduces anxiety, enhances motivation and performance, and promotes overall well-being.

It gets a bad rap, but the bad reputation is not merited.

Even in the underbelly of high-powered business where it’s unvalued and disregarded, eventually the truth of self-compassion and the perils of relentlessly pursuing success, reveals itself.

And as it does, things begin to change.


Confidence Is Like The Wind


Don’t Take It Personally