The Source of all your problems

What if it were easy and fun?

This is a question I often ask my clients. They share a challenge they are facing growing their business, getting to the next level in their career, motivating their team or handling a difficult relationship and I ask... what if you could figure it out in a way that is easy and fun?

At this point, they tend to look at me a bit confused. 

We often believe that solutions to our biggest challenges, should be hard, difficult and a struggle to find.

A belief that is reinforced by movies, tv shows and books we read. The hero's journey is characterized by a hero that faces a challenge, struggles and comes through it stronger, wiser and victorious. 

So, it's no surprise that we believe that solutions must be hard.

Growing a business must be hard.

Leading a company must be hard.

Finding our next meaningful career must be hard.

The issue with this belief is that it closes us off. It starves our creativity. It crushes our motivation. 

It might serve as motivation at first - "I'll prove them wrong", we say. "I can do hard", we convince ourselves.

And truth be told, we can! Most things don't BREAK us, evidenced by the fact that I am still writing this and you are still reading it. 

BUT...and this is a big BUT...

Hard doesn't have to be HARD. We can choose fun and easy.

The only thing that makes it HARD, is our thinking.

We think... I need to do stuff that I don't want to or enjoy. 

We think... I might fail and people will judge me. 

We think...this is uncomfortable...this is going to be hard.

But without your thought, you are simply doing things as they occur to you to do.

Without your thought, you never fail, or win.

Without your thought, things are neither easy, or hard, they simply are.

Without your thought uncomfortable does not mean hard. It can mean exciting, energizing and enriching. 

You see,

"Without your story, you're perfectly fine" ~Byron Katie

And so you have a choice, either don't believe the stories your mind makes up OR choose one that will help you move towards what you want. 

Consider this - when you think, this is going to be fun and easy what energy accompanies this thought?

What impact does this thought have on your motivation, creativity, energy and openness?

Can you feel the difference between this is going to be fun and easy AND this is going to be hard?

The only difference is the thought you are having. The belief you are tethered to.

So think of something you're facing that you've been seeing as hard, and a struggle. Bring it to your awareness. Take a deep breath and consider: 

What if it were fun and easy?

What if the journey was filled with ease?

What if you could find a solution in a fun and easy way?

Stay with this thought/belief for a few breathes and allow the possibility of this to wash over you. 

Allow any tension to dissolve and open yourself to possibility.


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