It's time for a break.

I was 17 when I got my first part-time job. It was my opportunity to earn some money and gain some independence. I made sure to work with a few friends, so we could have some fun while we worked. Once I had a taste for the independence a paycheck offered me, I was hooked. I kept on working. Through high school, my undergrad and graduate school, I always worked.

Once I graduated, I landed a full-time job and started working after a short holiday in Portugal.

When on maternity leave, I worked on the family business, took courses and read lots of non-fiction books (while raising my little ones).

After leaving my corporate role without knowing what would come next, I continued working - helping my husband with his business, completing more courses, and reading yet more books.

Effectively, I've never really taken any prolonged amount of time off.

And so this year, I'm "doing" summer a little differently.

I've decided to spend the entire summer in Europe, working a little bit from there in July, and taking several weeks off in August and September.

I'm planning to travel, eat great food, play, explore, let go of work schedules, and invest in relationships.

The richness of our lives is measured at least in part by the quality of our relationships, and too often I've forgotten this and have invested my time and attention in work, progress and learning.

While there's nothing wrong with this and I am lucky to have some amazing relationships in my life, I feel urged and compelled to invest in these relationships, including the one with myself.

So this summer, I will spend some time solo, some of it with my parents and extended family, some with amazing friends and some with my most incredible hubby and kids.

I will be present and in the moment.

I will love on these amazing humans with all of my being.

And, enjoy the richness of life (outside of work).

Which brings me to you.

What are your plans for the summer? How will you invest your time and attention? How will you play? Who will you connect with? What urge do you have that you can make happen if you simply let go of what people might think or say?

Here's a few items from my summer bucket list:

  • Dance in the rain

  • Visit one new city or country

  • Have a picnic in the park with local foods

  • Sail the Douro river with my parents

  • Meet new people and get curious about their story

  • Meetup with friends in Lisbon

  • Have solo "fun" time with my kids and hubby

What would yours look like if you really made it count?

Most of the "shoulds" we create in our lives are just that, creations of our own mind.

Sometimes, we simply need to slow down, tune in and listen to what our heart wants for us and make it happen.

So take a few minutes and tune into your heart. What does it want for you? What is it yearning to experience? What would it include in your summer bucket list?

That's it for now, my friend.
Happy Father's Day.
Happy Pride Month.

I'll be back here in late September with an update on my European adventure.

Until then kind to yourself, slow down, have fun, tune in and spread the love.


