The Race to the Finish: Professional Edition

Many of us are starting our last full week of work, before taking time off - also known as The Race to Finish (professional edition)!

To better equip yourself for the week ahead, take 10 minutes to plan it out.

Step 1:

Give yourself 10 minutes of uninterrupted time.

Step 2:

Write out everything you want to do this week under one of the following headings.

  • Things I HAVE to do (this means there is a real consequence to you not getting this done - not an imagined or possible consequence - a REAL LIFE consequence)

  • Things I WANT to do

  • Things I SHOULD do

Step 3:

Delete all of your SHOULD do items. These are no longer on your to do list. It's normal to feel guilty, uneasy or even doubt this decision. It's ok, it's part of the process.

Step 4:

Schedule time in your calendar to get your HAVE TO items complete. Let your team know that these are your priorities for the week, when you'll be working on them, and ask to not be disturbed during these times. Turn off notifications/phones when you are working on your HAVE TO items.

Step 5:

Once your HAVE TO items are complete, direct your attention to the WANT to items. Decide which one you want to do, and then go and do it.

Step 6:

Whenever you notice tension in your body or a scattered mind, get up off your chair and stretch your body while breathing deeply. Remind yourself of why completing this item and finishing this week off strong is important to you. This will energize your body, quiet your mind and enliven your heart.


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