Presence: How to Practice, learn more about it & refine it.
Presence: How to practice, learn more about it and refine it.
I may have gone too far!
This whole nature loving, tree hugging, personal growth journey I’ve committed to may just have gone too far!
From hanging off a tree to doing headstands in my office... what is going on?
There’s an explanation, I promise.
Here is what I’ve learned about myself. I am at my best when…
Emotional contagion and what it means for your leadership
As I sit here under a palm tree listening to the waves of the ocean, feeling the warmth of the air and watching these beautiful horses out for a stroll, I am conscious that my mood is being impacted by my surroundings.
How do you handle toxic behaviour?
This morning I was told about some toxic comments expressed from people that unfortunately I am unable to cut out of my life.