Emotional contagion and what it means for your leadership 

As I sit here under a palm tree listening to the waves of the ocean, feeling the warmth of the air and watching these beautiful horses out for a stroll, I am conscious that my mood is being impacted by my surroundings. 

This is true of people that surround us as well. (Our parents were right to warn us about who we befriended - it’s a biological reality!) 

You see, our nervous systems are designed to regulate each other. Feelings are in fact contagious. 

Research shows that individuals don’t even have to speak to each other for their physiology to synchronize and their mood to align. 

This can be witnessed in families, at work and within teams. One person with a dominant emotion walks into a room, and you can feel the shift emotionally. If you take a moment to check in with yourself, you’ll notice that your mood has shifted too. You might even notice a shift in bodily sensations (faster heart rate, sweaty palms, jitters, etc. - - a result of the impact on your nervous system. 

The fact that our nervous systems regulate each other is important to consider. 

If your mood is dominated by negative emotions, ask yourself: 

Who am I spending the most time with? 

What emotions do they most often hold? 

How is my environment impacting me? 

What do I want my experience to be? 

What and who do I need to surround myself with to accomplish what I want? 

How can I become a force for positivity and creativity? 

By bringing attention to your emotional state and that of those around you, you can consciously decide what you want and make choices about who and what you surround yourself with, in order to help yourself get there. 

If you’re a leader of a team, your emotional state carries even more weight by the mere fact of your status and role. So, make sure to check in with your emotions before you walk into a room. 

Ask yourself: What emotion do I want to create? What energy is required to accomplish what I want? What emotion might the other be holding and how can I influence it positively? 

It’s important to bring awareness to our own emotional state as well as develop the skill to read other people’s emotions in order to be able to influence and persuade. This isn’t about manipulation. It’s about understanding our role, taking accountability for our influence and bringing about positive change in an intentional way. 

Build awareness. Take note. Make positive changes. Feel the difference. 


From hanging off a tree to doing headstands in my office... what is going on? 


"Change your thinking, change your life"