"Change your thinking, change your life" 


What does this mean? 

Well, the idea suggests that if I am able to change my thoughts (what I focus on), then I will change how I experience life. 

Great. Seems simple enough, right? So why are we not all living our "best life"? 

And, how do we actually go about changing our thoughts? Especially, when they are thoughts that we've lived with for many years, often decades. 

Let's start with the good news, shall we? 

Research shows that neuroplasticity (brain's ability to change the strength of neural connections) and neurogenesis (neural birth) occurs throughout our lives. 

In other words, brain science proves that change in thoughts and behaviour is in fact possible, and possible at any age! 

Now, for the more sobering news. 

In order to change, we need to commit to focus, attention and practice over the long term. That's right, it takes effort, there is no easy fix! 

It's simple, but not that easy. 

You might have noticed that "negative" (or non serving) habitual thoughts (and behaviours) occur with little effort. This is because these thoughts have a corresponding neural pathway that have been practiced, over and over again. Each practice serves to strengthen the neural connection, requiring less energy to produce and hence requiring little attention or effort to activate. 

Hence the saying: "Neurons that fire together, wire together." 

The more you practice something, the easier it is to do the next time, and the time after that. 

So, what should we make of all of this? 

Well, while change is absolutely possible, it requires effort and practice over the long term. 

We need to try. Fail. Try again. 

What often happens is that we give up way too quickly. We try a new way of thinking for example. We put attention on it. We see some change and then inevitably we fail (especially at the beginning when we are at the start of the strengthening process). When we fail, we tell ourselves; "I can't do this." "I'm just not a positive person" "This is hopeless."... we give up! 

What we need to realize is that it takes time and continuous effort to change. 

The process of strengthening the neural pathway corresponding to the new thought requires repetition. Because we are often countering an old thought that we've been strengthening for years, it's quite strong. The process of strengthening the new and weakening the old simply can not happen over night. 

Failure/regression is normal, it's part of the process. 

It's not you or your lack of will power, it's about the process your brain requires to introduce and then strengthen a new thought or action. It takes time and effort. 

So, stick with it. With time, effort, and repetition it is possible to change. 

Expect failure. Don't give up. Stay focused. Keep trying. Know it's all part of the process of change. 


Emotional contagion and what it means for your leadership 


How do you handle toxic behaviour?