A few years ago, I would have been described as successful, by external measures anyways - senior title, six figure salary, expense account… you get the idea.

The truth is I was unfulfilled in my career.

I was well respected, I liked my colleagues and was great at what I did, but I I knew I needed more meaning in my work - something that would challenge me, grow me and energize me in a way that my role at the time simply wasn't doing.

I was grateful for everything my role had offered me, the vast opportunities I was afforded and the connections I had made along the way. Sometimes I even questioned how I could be unhappy. Beneath the noise and doubt though, I knew I had to leave.

It took me awhile to ultimately find my way out, but it happened, and while I didn't know exactly how I would move forward, I knew I wanted my career to be filled with purpose and excitement. I was in search of something that would align with the contribution I wanted to make, the growth I wanted to experience and the deep connections I wanted to develop.

Fast forward to today when I was awarded the Professional Certified Coach designation (PCC) by the International Coaching Federation. This means that I have completed hundreds of hours of coach training and over 500 hours of coaching one-on-one clients.

I’m proud of the commitment, the courage and the energy that this has taken. And, honestly, it’s been years in the making.

If you’re considering making a big change in your career, know this.

The path wasn’t always easy. Sometimes it was down right difficult, frustrating and I cried a few tears. I left everything I knew behind, everything I was known for, without knowing what I was moving towards.

This was hard.

I learned how much of my self image and value was connected to my title and salary. I realized how much people question your decisions when they don’t line up with what most people choose.

I was left, at least for awhile, feeling exposed, raw and without direction.

You, see there was no big vision. There was no side hustle. There was no “I’ve always wanted to…” dreams. I simply moved away from what wasn’t working, knowing that I was willing to try a bunch of new things, learn, fail, get up and try again.

Today, years after, having found a career I absolutely love, doing work that is aligned with who I am and the impact I want to have, I can tell you, with some level of confidence, that it all led me here. It all led me to the work and life I didn’t even know I wanted.

The hard led to the great. The failures led me to the win. The letting go allowed the new to grow.

I’m sharing this with you today because maybe you too find yourself with a big decision to make. Perhaps your gut and heart are leading you down an unpopular road, possibly even toward the unknown, away from what others say is the proven road to “success”.

I get it. I’ve been there and I’ll tell you this.

Trust yourself.

You will find your way.

Reflect, learn and act!

It’s your to create.

Keep going.

You got this.


