I may have gone too far! 

This whole nature loving, tree hugging, personal growth journey I’ve committed to may just have gone too far! 

If you’re thinking: “Lisa what the heck are you doing hanging off a tree?”

I couldn’t tell you and it feels so good. Look at that smile! 

We take ourselves way too seriously. This becomes progressively worse as we get older and attain more “outward” success. 


Yes, I coach very senior executives, some of them CEOs of large global companies. Yes, I was one of those executives not that long ago. And yes, sometimes I hug trees in the middle of a Friday afternoon. 

Does that make me less effective? Less successful? Not one bit. 

This my friend, makes me, well, me. Uniquely me. 

And, it makes me a leader with courage (that’s how I serve my clients and live my life), 

authenticity (my mission is not to uphold an image, it’s to accept all of me, especially the quirky parts so that you have the courage to accept yours), 

character (if this brings you a smile today after a tough work week, then I’m serving my purpose and doing my bit to spread positivity at work). 

Here’s one thing I’m learning about life and leadership, you are most powerful when you are you, all of you. 

So embrace yourself – all the parts of you. 

You’re not going to start doing the moonwalk at your board meetings, or crying hysterically 

Don’t choose to only bring your professional persona to work, though there are times when you certainly need to call on her, allow people to see the other parts of you. 


HABIT SERIES: Three concepts you NEED to know about your brain to change your habits.


From hanging off a tree to doing headstands in my office... what is going on?