Much has been written about resilience over the last couple of years. The onset and ongoing nature of this pandemic has led to increased levels of stress, anxiety and burnout, which has us focused on resilience and our capacity to face difficult moments.

When I’m asked to speak to groups about resilience, my approach is not to teach people how to build resilience, but rather to remind them of the innate resilience they already have.

The reality is: we are designed to be resilient.

Babies are born resilient. As a baby and toddler you faced obstacles every day and every day you kept trying without questioning how long it was taking, whether you’d ever “get it” or whether others were doing it better than you. You kept at it - trying, failing and trying again. It was the only way you learned to eat and walk.

We don’t need to teach a toddler to be resilient, because they already are and so are you!

As we grow older, however, our resilience develops a kind of shadow that starts to stand between us and this innate capacity.

The shadow begins to cast a doubt on our innate ability to get back up, to face challenging circumstances and to know what we need in the moment to rebalance.

our resilience, however, is always present and is part of the natural order of things.

It’s simply covered up by a patterned, fast-paced thought process that sounds convincing. It tells us that we won’t be able to cope, at the very moment we are coping. It tells us that we need to be resilient, just as we are being resilient.

I’m not against people seeking ways to be more resilient. If you’re inclined to do some research, please do.

What I am saying is that once you have that information, and even when you don’t, know that within you, you already know. If you slow down long enough to listen, it’ll become clear.

If you prefer to get some help, try my Reassessment Quiz. It’ll help you see where you’re already resilient and help you uncover your unique path forward.



Lisa is an Executive Coach, Founder & CEO of LDR Leadership Labs. For more from Lisa, join the LDR Leadership Community on LinkedIn at: www.linkedin.com/company/ldrleadershiplabs and sign up for the LDR Insiders Newsletter here.


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