The State of the World

I've been reflecting on the state of the world.

Just as things seemed to be improving with Covid, the war in Ukraine has us heartbroken and uncertain about the future once again. Like so many, you might be feeling a multitude of emotions - sadness, anger, tiredness, irritability, grief and a general lack of motivation. This is normal.

Similar to the pandemic, threats to our safety, massive uncertainty and injustices, activate our nervous system and its automatic stress response. While this response is helpful in acute situations, it can be quite draining in the long term.

Here are a few ways to regulate your nervous system as well as a helpful video about feeling our feelings.

Get into action.

Donate. Support. Do something to help someone else in your community.

Process your emotions through writing.

Bring pen to paper and start writing whatever is in your heart. Do not edit your writing. This should be free flowing.

Allow yourself to connect with the sensation of the emotion you are feeling.

Let go of the story or narrative and bring your attention solely to the bodily sensation. (Article)


Physical exertion is a proven way to shift your physiology, mood and energy.

Decide what activities are welcome distractions.

Choose these intentionally and carefully. Connect with the joy these bring you.

Name your emotion and try a guided meditation.

Find a meditation that is specific to processing the emotion you are feeling. For example, this Grief Meditation.

Name your emotion and express it.

Look for a quick and simple way to express your emotion and move it. For example, expressing anger.

Be kind and compassionate with yourself.

Look for stories of hope, strength and love.

Consciously send love and prayers to those in need.

Join me as I connect with my hope for humanity. My deep desire to send love to those in need. Courage for the millions fleeing their homes. Strength to those fighting for their freedom. Gratitude for the volunteers offering their help.

As we collectively send our love and support to the people of Ukraine, please also take good care of yourself, your overall wellbeing and those around you.


