While the pandemic has been difficult and challenging, for many people it has been a powerful catalyst to reassess life and commit to change.
Over the last few years, I’ve heard many of my clients say:
“Despite my achievements there’s something missing in my life. I feel dull and unsatisfied,” AND, “I’m busy all the time, I’m exhausted, there’s so much to do!” AND “I feel frustrated, resentful and unsupported in my life.”
Followed by, “This has been going on for too long, and I’m ready for change!”
I have found that people are more committed than ever to reject the world of success at all costs, the culture of non-stop busyness and the belief that this is just how it is.
People want to contribute something meaningful; they want to enjoy life, they want to surround themselves with people that energize them and prioritize their health and wellbeing - they want to live a life well-lived.
If this doesn’t sound like you, then there’s no need to continue reading.
If, however, you want to do these things, if you feel that you are slightly off balance and you’re ready to take some small, but meaningful steps towards creating a life well-lived, then my friend, I’ve got a gift for you.
Moving from discouraged to lit up is not an overnight occurrence.
It takes curiosity, courage, effort and openness. It requires us to lean into discomfort as we try new ways of being.
In my own life, when I feel off balance or as if I’m simply going through the motions, I look at 5 core elements to get me back on track.
I define what is meaningful for me at this stage of life,
I explore what growth and learning may serve and excite me,
I reflect on my physical and emotional wellbeing,
I build deep and energizing relationships, and
I seek out adventure and play.
By openly and honestly evaluating these 5 elements without judgement, I uncover what a vibrant life looks like for me, identify the things that are currently not serving me, and I find that place within me that is energetic, playful, inspiring, and connected.
So, if you’d like to evaluate how you’re doing in these 5 core elements, take the 2022 Reassessment Quiz and learn what small, meaningful steps you can take to start creating the life you want in this year.
Lisa is an Executive Coach, Founder & CEO of LDR Leadership Labs. For more from Lisa, join the LDR Leadership Community on LinkedIn at: www.linkedin.com/company/ldrleadershiplabs and sign up for the LDR Insiders Newsletter here.