First Be a Leader


one of the most important lessons I learned about being an effective leader was that I must first master being a leader for myself.

This meant taking total and complete accountability for my actions, language and state of mind.

Only with total accountability, do I place myself in a position of power to improve and grow.

No excuses. No explanations. Simply a realization that with clarity on my goals and an unwavering commitment to taking action that moves me in that direction can I become a leader that others would accept and respect.

To start practicing your leadership skills, focus on these 10 leadership commitments.

  1. Find your voice and share your ideals

  2. Align your actions with your values

  3. Envision the future you want to create

  4. Connect with others that share a common vision

  5. Seek to always improve and grow

  6. Take risks and use small wins to gain momentum

  7. Invest in building trusting relationships

  8. Be unwavering in your commitments

  9. Communicate appreciation

  10. Create a community

Leadership is a relationship with yourself as well as with those around you. If the 10 commitments seem too hefty or overwhelming to tackle and master, start with one that will make a huge difference in your life.Take full ownership for where you are and where you want to go!


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