How Chest Pain Reminded Me of My Many Blessings Today

This morning my eldest started complaining of chest pains and she started feeling very lethargic. We were of course instantly concerned.

We took her to @sick_kids_hospital where they took extremely good care of her and determined (after several tests) that it was likely a minor respiratory infection. It should clear up in a few days - thank goodness.

In the hours before we knew the diagnoses, watching our energetic girl slump down in a wheel chair and not be able to walk unaided was obviously heartbreaking.

In this moment, my mind wandered to her luminous smile, to her multitude of daily cartwheels, to the way she loves her friends and yes even to those times when she's fighting and picking on her siblings - in this moment it is all divine, all beautiful, all just as it should be.

I get overwhelmed at times with the demands of life (as we all do) -- we all have a lot going on -- and everything you read, listen and watch suggests you should be doing even more, doing even better.

I'm all for personal growth and striving to improve ourselves. However, sometimes we just need to be. We don't have to do anything. We simply need to sit still, be present and enjoy the many blessings around us. Not strive for anything more, instead be satisfied with exactly where we are. Not seek to improve or enhance but rather enjoy all that we are in the moment.

So what started as a stressful, emotionally charged day ended in stillness, gratitude and heart filed with love.


How a Call Today Reminded Me of Why I Left The Corporate World